- Serdar Burhan Tekin, 'Analysis and evaluation of HfO2 based RAM devices for next generation non-volatile memories', Middle East Technical University, 2018
- A number of students in EE and Physics, 'A number of subjects in Electronics and Physics', A number of students in Turkey, USA and Europe, since 1980
- Hüseyin Emre Altun, 'Analysis of Quantum Artificial Intelligence Algorithms:Grover search and Natural anguage Processing with quantum communication', Bahçeşehir University, 2021
- Halah Zaher, 'Making unbreakable code', Bahçeşehir University, 2021
- Ahmed Abbas, 'Quantum Cryptography', Bahçeşehir University, 2021
- Ece Cesur Gür, 'Smart microscope', Bahçeşehir University, 2022
- A number of students in EE and Physics, 'A number of subjects in Electronics and Physics', A number of students in Turkey, USA and Europe, Since 1980