- Yu.S.Stark, A.S.Shteinberg, and V.I.Dimitrov, Investigation of Short-Range Order in Cu Au, Physica Metallov, 56,part 1,p.53, (1983) (in Russian and translated in English in the USA: Physica Metallov),
- Yu.S.Stark, A.S.Shteinberg, V.M.Vasilev, and V.I.Dimitrov, Monte Carlo Determination of Long-Range Pair Interactions Energies from Scattering of X-Rays by Alloys, Phys.Stat.Sol. (b), 119, 147(1983)
- V.I.Dimitrov, A Model and Atom Distribution Functions in Multicomponent Solid Solutions, Phys.Stat.Sol. (b), 138, K83,(1986).
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- V.I.Dimitrov, Monte Carlo Determination of Short-Range Parameters for Multicomponent Solid Solutions, Phys.Stat.Sol. (b), 145, 65(1988)
- V.I.Dimitrov, Yu.V.Klechin and A.V.Apostolov, Calculation of Elastic Moduli for Amorphous Fe80B20 , Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 116, p.627 (1989)
- V.I.Dimitrov and K.I.Grozdev, A New Statistical Method for Calculation of Partial Function, Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 187, K5(1995)
- V.I.Dimitrov, Empirical N-Body Potential for Cubic Metals, Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 196, 145 (1996)
- V.I.Dimitrov, J.D'Haen, G.Knuyt, C.Quasyhaegens and L.M.Stals, A Simple Diffusion Model of Surface Modification by Plasma, Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 159, 405 (1997)
- V.I.Dimitrov, J.D'Haen, G.Knuyt, C.Quasyhaegens and L.M.Stals, A Model of Compound Layer Formation During Surface Modification by Plasma, J.Matter.Sci.Tech.,5, 56(1997)
- V.I.Dimitrov, J.D'Haen, G.Knuyt, C.Quasyhaegens and L.M.Stals, A Diffusion Model of Metal Surface Modification During Plasma Nitriding, Appl.Phys.A, 63, p.475 (1996)
- V.I.Dimitrov, G.Knuyt, L.M.Stals, J.D'Haen and C.Quasyhaegens, Generalized Wagner's Diffusion Model of Surface Modification of Materials by Plasma, Appl.Phys.A, 67, 183(1998)
- V.I.Dimitrov, About the Kinetics of Normal Crystal Growth, Applied Physics A, 77, 835 (2003)
- V.I.Dimitrov, A Model of AlN Formation during Ion Nitriding of Al, Applied Physics A, 79, 1829-1832 (2004)
- V.I.Dimitrov, G.Knuyt, L.M.Stals, J.D'Haen and C.Quasyhaegens, A Method for Determination of the Effective Diffusion Coefficient and Sputtering Rate during Plasma Diffusion Treatment, Sur.Coat.&Tech, 99, 234 (1998)
- V.I.Dimitrov, G.Knuyt, L.M.Stals, J.D'Haen and C.Quasyhaegens, Modeling of Nitride Layer Formation during Plasma Nitriding of Pure Iron, Comput.Matter.Sci., 15, 22(1999)
- A.Avinc and V.I.Dimitrov, Effective Lenard-Jones Potential for Cubic Metals in the Frame of Embedded Atom Model, Comput.Matter.Sci., 13, 211 (1999)
- Dimitrov VI, Jekov K, Avinc A, Prediction of the solubility of nitrogen in steels obtained by pressurised electroslag remelting process, Comp.Mater Sci 15 400 (1999)
- V.I.Dimitrov, A.Gungor, and M.Kumru, A Model of Self-Difusion in Undercooled Liquids, Matter.Sc.Forum, 360-362, 113 (2001)
- V.I.Dimitrov, A.Gungor, and M.Kumru, Free-volume Diffusion in Undercooled Liquids, Matter.Sc.Forum, 360-362, 119 (2001)
- V.I.Dimitrov, A.Gungor, and M.Kumru, Influence of the Rejected Volume on the Size of Grains in Rapid Crystallization from Undercooled Melts, Matter.Sc.Forum, 360-362, 493 (2001)
- V.I.Dimitrov, A.Gungor, and M.Kumru, A New Theory of Viscosity of Amorphous Metals, Bulletin of Russian Academy of Sciences, 65, N10, (2001)
- I.M.Russinov, A.B.Blagoev, and V.I.Dimitrov, Diffusion Model of the Transport of Sputtered Metal Atoms in Cylindrical Vessel, Vacuum, 69, 165 (2003)
- V.I.Dimitrov, Kinetics of Atomic Rearrrangement in the process of crystal growth into undercooled liquids, J.Cryst.Growth, 253, 504-511 (2003)
- V.I.Dimitrov, Fluctuation Theory of Liquid-Glass Transition, J.Metastable&NanoMatt., 20-21, 443-448 (2004)
- V.I.Dimitrov, Breakdown of the Stokes-Enstei relation in Supercooled Liquids, J.Metastable&NanoMatt., 20-21, 541-545 (2004)
- V.I.Dimitrov, Theoretical Calculation of the Kinetic Coefficient of Normal Crystal Growth, J.Metastable&NanoMatt., 20-21, 546-552 (2004)
- V.I.Dimitrov, Interpretation of Glass Transition Temperature from the point of view of Molecular Mobility - in Properties and application of Nanocrystalline Alloys from Amorphous Precursors (Eds B.Idzikowski, P.Svec and M.Miglierini, Springer-Verlag) pp.345-352 (2004)
- V.I.Dimitrov, Glass Transition is a Phase Transition of Fourth Order? Journal of Non.Cryst.Solids, 351 (2005 ) 2394-2402
- V.I.Dimitrov, Theory of Fluidity of Liquids, Glass Transition and Melting, Journal of Non.Cryst.Solids 352 (2006) 216-231.
- V.I.Dimitrov, A Gungor, M.Kumru and A.Avinc, “A New Model of Crystal Growth from Undercooled Melts”, Bul.J.Phys., 27 N2, 99 (2000) pp.99-102
- V.I.Dimitrov and L.A.Anestiev, Determination of the Activation Energy at the Crystalization of Undercooled Melts, in Rapidly Quenched&Metastable Materials (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997) p.84 - 9th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched Materials and Metastable Alloys, Bratislava, August 25-30, 1996, Slovakia.
- V.I.Dimitrov and G.M.Yunchov, Molecular Dynamics and Static Relaxation Simulation of Local Structure of FCC Metals in Supercooled Liquid and Amorphous State, in Rapidly Quenched&Metastable Materials (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997) p.140 - 9th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched Materials and Metastable Alloys, Bratislava, August 25-30, 1996, Slovakia.
- V.I.Dimitrov and A.Avinc, A Vacancy-like Mechanism of Self-diffusion in Amorphous FCC Metals, in Rapidly Quenched&Metastable Materials (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997) p.144 - 9th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched Materials and Metastable Alloys, Bratislava, August 25-30, 1996, Slovakia.
- Ertuğrul Bolcal, Ventsislav Dimitrov, Bekir Aktas, Hasan Aslan, Ground State and Magnetic Properties of a Dipole System Arranged in Two-Dimensional Lattice, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol.121 (2012) pp.259-263
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- V.I.Dimitrov, Short-Range Order in Disordered Solid Solutions, Annuarier De'Sofia Universite, .Vol.85 (1993) pp.5-17
- V.I.Dimitrov, Many-body Interactions in the Theries of Metal Solid Solitions Orderings, Annuarier De'Sofia Universite, .Vol.87 (1995) pp.49-61
- V.I.Dimitrov, Emperical N-body Potentials for Cubic Metals, Annuarier De'Sofia Universite, .Vol.87 (1995) pp.63-71
- V.I.Dimitrov, Calculation of the Elastic Constants of Crystalline Metals Based on the Use of Emeprical Embedded Atom Potential, Annuarier De'Sofia Universite, .Vol.90 (2000) pp.107-123
- V.Dimitrov and A.Apostolov, A Method of Determining Interparticle Interactions in Condensed Systems, Reports of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Tome 41,p.6,(1988)
- A.V.Apostolov, D.K.Belashchenko and V.I.Dimitrov, A model for amorphous Gd4Al3, Twelfth European Crystallographic Meeting, Moscow, USSR, august 20-29, 1989, vol.3, p.266
- V.I.Dimitrov and A.S.Steinberg, Short-range Order in Solid Metal Solutions, Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Material Science and Materials Obtained under gas pressure, with international participation, Dom na Technikata, Pleven (29-31 May, 1984) p.27-30.
- V.I.Dimitrov and Ts.Rashev, Many-particle Correlation Function in Metals, Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Material Science and Materials Obtained under gas pressure, with international participation, Dom na Technikata, Pleven (29-31 May, 1984) p.30-34.
- International Nuclear Reseach, Dubna, Russia, Invited Professor 1987, 1992
- Limburg University, Institute of Metal Science, Hasselt, Belgium, Invited Professor 1991
- Uludağ Üniversitesi, TÜBİTAK davetli araştırmacısı, 1998
- Rozendorf Nuclear Research Center, Dresden, Germany, 2000, 2006 , Invited Professor.
- Ertugrul Bolcal, Ventsislav Dimitrov, Cevahir Oya and Hasan Aslan, Magneto Static Properties of Linear Nano-structured Samples, Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science –APMAS2011, Antalya, May 2011
- Ertugrul Bolcal, Ventsislav Dimitrov, Hasan Aslan, and Ayşe Bozkurt, Ground Sate and Magneto Static Properties of a Dipole System Arranged in Two-Dimensional Lattice, Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science –APMAS2011, Antalya, May 2011