Prof. Recep Dimitrov

Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department


  1. Yu.S.Stark, A.S.Shteinberg, and V.I.Dimitrov, Investigation of Short-Range Order in Cu Au, Physica Metallov, 56,part 1,p.53, (1983) (in Russian and translated in English in the USA: Physica Metallov),
  2. Yu.S.Stark, A.S.Shteinberg, V.M.Vasilev, and V.I.Dimitrov, Monte Carlo Determination of Long-Range Pair Interactions Energies from Scattering of X-Rays by Alloys, Phys.Stat.Sol. (b), 119, 147(1983)
  3. V.I.Dimitrov, A Model and Atom Distribution Functions in Multicomponent Solid Solutions, Phys.Stat.Sol. (b), 138, K83,(1986).
  4. V.I.Dimitrov and A.S.Shteinberg, Short-Range Order in Solid Solutions, Phys.Stat.Sol. (b), 140, 3(1987)
  5. V.I.Dimitrov, Monte Carlo Determination of Short-Range Parameters for Multicomponent Solid Solutions, Phys.Stat.Sol. (b), 145, 65(1988)
  6. V.I.Dimitrov, Yu.V.Klechin and A.V.Apostolov, Calculation of Elastic Moduli for Amorphous Fe80B20 , Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 116, p.627 (1989)
  7. V.I.Dimitrov and K.I.Grozdev, A New Statistical Method for Calculation of Partial Function, Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 187, K5(1995)
  8. V.I.Dimitrov, Empirical N-Body Potential for Cubic Metals, Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 196, 145 (1996)
  9. V.I.Dimitrov, J.D'Haen, G.Knuyt, C.Quasyhaegens and L.M.Stals, A Simple Diffusion Model of Surface Modification by Plasma, Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 159, 405 (1997)
  10. V.I.Dimitrov, J.D'Haen, G.Knuyt, C.Quasyhaegens and L.M.Stals, A Model of Compound Layer Formation During Surface Modification by Plasma, J.Matter.Sci.Tech.,5, 56(1997)
  11. V.I.Dimitrov, J.D'Haen, G.Knuyt, C.Quasyhaegens and L.M.Stals, A Diffusion Model of Metal Surface Modification During Plasma Nitriding, Appl.Phys.A, 63, p.475 (1996)
  12. V.I.Dimitrov, G.Knuyt, L.M.Stals, J.D'Haen and C.Quasyhaegens, Generalized Wagner's Diffusion Model of Surface Modification of Materials by Plasma, Appl.Phys.A, 67, 183(1998)
  13. V.I.Dimitrov, About the Kinetics of Normal Crystal Growth, Applied Physics A, 77, 835 (2003)
  14. V.I.Dimitrov, A Model of AlN Formation during Ion Nitriding of Al, Applied Physics A, 79, 1829-1832 (2004)
  15. V.I.Dimitrov, G.Knuyt, L.M.Stals, J.D'Haen and C.Quasyhaegens, A Method for Determination of the Effective Diffusion Coefficient and Sputtering Rate during Plasma Diffusion Treatment, Sur.Coat.&Tech, 99, 234 (1998)
  16. V.I.Dimitrov, G.Knuyt, L.M.Stals, J.D'Haen and C.Quasyhaegens, Modeling of Nitride Layer Formation during Plasma Nitriding of Pure Iron, Comput.Matter.Sci., 15, 22(1999)
  17. A.Avinc and V.I.Dimitrov, Effective Lenard-Jones Potential for Cubic Metals in the Frame of Embedded Atom Model, Comput.Matter.Sci., 13, 211 (1999)
  18. Dimitrov VI, Jekov K, Avinc A, Prediction of the solubility of nitrogen in steels obtained by pressurised electroslag remelting process, Comp.Mater Sci 15 400 (1999)
  19. V.I.Dimitrov, A.Gungor, and M.Kumru, A Model of Self-Difusion in Undercooled Liquids, Matter.Sc.Forum, 360-362, 113 (2001)
  20. V.I.Dimitrov, A.Gungor, and M.Kumru, Free-volume Diffusion in Undercooled Liquids, Matter.Sc.Forum, 360-362, 119 (2001)
  21. V.I.Dimitrov, A.Gungor, and M.Kumru, Influence of the Rejected Volume on the Size of Grains in Rapid Crystallization from Undercooled Melts, Matter.Sc.Forum, 360-362, 493 (2001)
  22. V.I.Dimitrov, A.Gungor, and M.Kumru, A New Theory of Viscosity of Amorphous Metals, Bulletin of Russian Academy of Sciences, 65, N10, (2001)
  23. I.M.Russinov, A.B.Blagoev, and V.I.Dimitrov, Diffusion Model of the Transport of Sputtered Metal Atoms in Cylindrical Vessel, Vacuum, 69, 165 (2003)
  24. V.I.Dimitrov, Kinetics of Atomic Rearrrangement in the process of crystal growth into undercooled liquids, J.Cryst.Growth, 253, 504-511 (2003)
  25. V.I.Dimitrov, Fluctuation Theory of Liquid-Glass Transition, J.Metastable&NanoMatt., 20-21, 443-448 (2004)
  26. V.I.Dimitrov, Breakdown of the Stokes-Enstei relation in Supercooled Liquids, J.Metastable&NanoMatt., 20-21, 541-545 (2004)
  27. V.I.Dimitrov, Theoretical Calculation of the Kinetic Coefficient of Normal Crystal Growth, J.Metastable&NanoMatt., 20-21, 546-552 (2004)
  28. V.I.Dimitrov, Interpretation of Glass Transition Temperature from the point of view of Molecular Mobility - in Properties and application of Nanocrystalline Alloys from Amorphous Precursors (Eds B.Idzikowski, P.Svec and M.Miglierini, Springer-Verlag) pp.345-352 (2004)
  29. V.I.Dimitrov, Glass Transition is a Phase Transition of Fourth Order? Journal of Non.Cryst.Solids, 351 (2005 ) 2394-2402
  30. V.I.Dimitrov, Theory of Fluidity of Liquids, Glass Transition and Melting, Journal of Non.Cryst.Solids 352 (2006) 216-231.
  31. V.I.Dimitrov, A Gungor, M.Kumru and A.Avinc, “A New Model of Crystal Growth from Undercooled Melts”, Bul.J.Phys., 27 N2, 99 (2000) pp.99-102
  32. V.I.Dimitrov and L.A.Anestiev, Determination of the Activation Energy at the Crystalization of Undercooled Melts, in Rapidly Quenched&Metastable Materials (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997) p.84 - 9th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched Materials and Metastable Alloys, Bratislava, August 25-30, 1996, Slovakia.
  33. V.I.Dimitrov and G.M.Yunchov, Molecular Dynamics and Static Relaxation Simulation of Local Structure of FCC Metals in Supercooled Liquid and Amorphous State, in Rapidly Quenched&Metastable Materials (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997) p.140 - 9th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched Materials and Metastable Alloys, Bratislava, August 25-30, 1996, Slovakia.
  34. V.I.Dimitrov and A.Avinc, A Vacancy-like Mechanism of Self-diffusion in Amorphous FCC Metals, in Rapidly Quenched&Metastable Materials (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997) p.144 - 9th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched Materials and Metastable Alloys, Bratislava, August 25-30, 1996, Slovakia.
  35. Ertuğrul Bolcal, Ventsislav Dimitrov, Bekir Aktas, Hasan Aslan, Ground State and Magnetic Properties of a Dipole System Arranged in Two-Dimensional Lattice, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol.121 (2012) pp.259-263
  36. G.Savov, L.Sarıivanov, K.Stoianov and V.Dimitrov, Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Nitrogen Absorbtion in Steels during Continuous Casting Process, Techicheska Misal, vol. XXVII (1991) N0-1, pp.103-107
  37. V.I.Dimitrov, Short-Range Order in Disordered Solid Solutions, Annuarier De'Sofia Universite, .Vol.85 (1993) pp.5-17
  38. V.I.Dimitrov, Many-body Interactions in the Theries of Metal Solid Solitions Orderings, Annuarier De'Sofia Universite, .Vol.87 (1995) pp.49-61
  39. V.I.Dimitrov, Emperical N-body Potentials for Cubic Metals, Annuarier De'Sofia Universite, .Vol.87 (1995) pp.63-71
  40. V.I.Dimitrov, Calculation of the Elastic Constants of Crystalline Metals Based on the Use of Emeprical Embedded Atom Potential, Annuarier De'Sofia Universite, .Vol.90 (2000) pp.107-123
  41. V.Dimitrov and A.Apostolov, A Method of Determining Interparticle Interactions in Condensed Systems, Reports of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Tome 41,p.6,(1988)
  42. A.V.Apostolov, D.K.Belashchenko and V.I.Dimitrov, A model for amorphous Gd4Al3, Twelfth European Crystallographic Meeting, Moscow, USSR, august 20-29, 1989, vol.3, p.266
  43. V.I.Dimitrov and A.S.Steinberg, Short-range Order in Solid Metal Solutions, Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Material Science and Materials Obtained under gas pressure, with international participation, Dom na Technikata, Pleven (29-31 May, 1984) p.27-30.
  44. V.I.Dimitrov and Ts.Rashev, Many-particle Correlation Function in Metals, Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Material Science and Materials Obtained under gas pressure, with international participation, Dom na Technikata, Pleven (29-31 May, 1984) p.30-34.


  1. International Nuclear Reseach, Dubna, Russia, Invited Professor 1987, 1992
  2. Limburg University, Institute of Metal Science, Hasselt, Belgium, Invited Professor 1991
  3. Uludağ Üniversitesi, TÜBİTAK davetli araştırmacısı, 1998
  4. Rozendorf Nuclear Research Center, Dresden, Germany, 2000, 2006 , Invited Professor.
  5. Ertugrul Bolcal, Ventsislav Dimitrov, Cevahir Oya and Hasan Aslan, Magneto Static Properties of Linear Nano-structured Samples, Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science –APMAS2011, Antalya, May 2011
  6. Ertugrul Bolcal, Ventsislav Dimitrov, Hasan Aslan, and Ayşe Bozkurt, Ground Sate and Magneto Static Properties of a Dipole System Arranged in Two-Dimensional Lattice, Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science –APMAS2011, Antalya, May 2011


  1. ‘POTANSİYEL’ dergisi, 2013- itibaren Redaksiyon Kurul Başkanı ve kurucusu