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- 'Insulation of Nb3Sn (NS600) wires', NASA and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory NHMFL, Tallahassee-Florida, (2003-2004
- 'Insulation of MgB2 wires', NAVY STTR (USA) and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL), Tallahassee-Florida USA, (2003-2004)
- 'Insulation and High Voltage Break Down studies of Rutherford cables', National High Magnetic Field Laboratory NHMFL, Tallahassee-Florida, 2003-2004
- 'AgMg/Bi2212 Layer-Wound Coil for 5 T Insert Magnet', National Science Foundation (NSF, USA) and Oxford Superconductivity Technology, Inc.(OST, New Jersey-USA, 2002-2003
- 'Characterization of MgB2 wires and development of superconducting coil', Hyper Tech Research Inc. (USA) and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory NHMFL, Tallahassee-Florida, 2003-2004
- 'Fabrication of buffer layer for YBCO coated conductor', Marmara University, 2005-2006
- 'Fabrication of BZN pyrochlore ceramics with substitution of various elements and their dielectric, electrical properties and hall effects', TUBITAK project, TURKEY, 2007- 2010
- 'Fabrication of diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) nanoparticles and thin films and investigation of electrical properties', Bahcesehir University Research Project, 2009-2011
- 'Determination of micro-structure, electric, optic and micro-mechanic properties of rare earth elements and transition metals doped diluted magnetic semiconductor nanoparticles and films produced by Sol-gel Method', TUBITAK project-TURKEY, 2014-2017
- 'Characterization, creation and optimization of laser induced pinning centers in YBCO superconducting coatings and films', TUBITAK project -TURKEY, 2015-
- 'Memristör Temel Elemanı Olabilecek Metal-Oksit Kristallerinde Nokta Kusurların Dinamik Davranışlarına Elektrik Alanın Etkisininin Incelenmesi', TUBITAK project -TURKEY, 2017-