- CMP3008 - Formal Languages and Automata Theory (Undergraduate)
- CMP2004 - Advanced Programming (Undergraduate)
- CMP3005 - Analysis of Algorithms (Graduate)
- CMP6138 - Analysis of Algorithms (Undergraduate)
- CMP4107 - Android Programming (Undergraduate)
- SOFT2101 - Introduction to Software Engineering (Undergraduate)
- COMP1111 - Fundamentals of programming (Undergraduate)
- COMP2103 - Object Oriented Programming (Undergraduate)
- CSE566.1 - Machine Learning (Graduate)
- COMP1111 - Fundamentals of programming (Undergraduate)
- COMP3104 - Programming languages (Undergraduate)
- COMP3112 - Analysis of algorithms (Undergraduate)
- COMP3432 - Operating Systems (Undergraduate)