Prof. Dr. Ahmet Beşkese

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi

Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümü


  1. BESKESE, A., CAMCI, A., TEMUR, G. T., ERTURK, E. 2020. Wind turbine evaluation using the hesitant fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS method with a case in Turkey, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 38(1): 997–1011.
  2. YILDIZ, D., TEMUR, G. T., BESKESE, A., BOZBURA, F. T. 2020. Evaluation of positive employee experience using hesitant fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 38(1): 1043–1058.
  3. ACAR, C., BESKESE, A., TEMUR, G. T., 2019. A novel multicriteria sustainability investigation of energy storage systems, International Journal of Energy Research, 43(12): 6419-6441.
  4. AKDEMİR, B., BESKESE, A., 2019. A decision support tool for a demolition sale of a vessel, Brodogradnja/Shipbuilding, 70(3): 153-173.
  5. BESKESE, A., CORUM, A., ANOLAY, M., 2019. A model proposal for ERP system selection in automotive industry, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, 26(3): 317-342.
  6. BESKESE, A., KAHRAMAN, C., ENDER BUYUKBAY, S., BOZBURA, F. T., 2018. An intuitionistic fuzzy multi-expert and multi-criteria system for effective performance management, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(6): 2179-2201.
  7. CAMCI, A., TEMUR, G. T., BESKESE, A., 2018. CNC Router Selection for SMES in Woodwork Manufacturing Using Hesitant Fuzzy AHP Method, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 31(4): 529-549.
  8. ACAR, C., BESKESE, A., TEMUR, G. T., 2018. Sustainability analysis of different hydrogen production options using hesitant fuzzy AHP, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43: 18059-18076.
  9. SÖNMEZTÜRK BOLATAN, G. İ., BEŞKESE, A., GÖZLÜ, S., 2017. Firmalarının Kalite Performansını Etkileyen Faktörler, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 46, Sayı:1, 76-83.
  10. YILDIZ, D., BESKESE, A., BOZBURA F. T., 2015. A hybrid decision-support model for self- managed career, Kybernetes, 44(4), 555 - 575.
  11. BESKESE, A., DEMİR, H., OZCAN, H.K., OKTEN, H.E., 2015. Landfill site selection using fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS: a case study for Istanbul, Environmental Earth Sciences, 73(7), 3513-3521.
  12. BESKESE, A., SEN, T., 2013. A fuzzy multiattribute approach to help measure quality of online classifieds systems, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, 20, pp.121-141.
  13. KAHRAMAN, C., BESKESE, A. and KAYA, I., 2010. Selection among ERP outsourcing alternatives using a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making methodology, International Journal of Production Research, 48(2), pp.547-566.
  14. BESKESE, A., BOZBURA, F. T., 2008. Prioritization of Relational Capital Measurement Indicators Using Fuzzy AHP, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 14(3-5), pp.415-434.
  15. BOZBURA, F. T., BESKESE, A., 2007. Prioritization of organizational capital measurement indicators using fuzzy AHP. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 44(2), pp.124-147.
  16. BOZBURA, F. T., BESKESE, A., KAHRAMAN, C., 2007. Prioritization of human capital measurement indicators using fuzzy AHP. Expert Systems with Applications, 32(4), pp. 1100-1112.
  17. IRANI, Z., BESKESE, A., and LOVE, P.E.D., 2004. Total quality management and corporate culture: constructs of organisational excellence, Technovation: An International Journal of Technical Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 24 (2004), pp.643-650.
  18. BESKESE, A., KAHRAMAN, C., and IRANI, Z., 2004. Quantification of flexibility in advanced manufacturing systems using fuzzy concept, International Journal of Production Economics, 89 (1), pp.45-56.
  19. KAHRAMAN, C., BESKESE, A., and RUAN, D., 2004. Measuring flexibility of computer integrated manufacturing systems using fuzzy cash flow analysis, Information Sciences, 168 (2004), pp.77-94.
  20. CEBECI, U. and BESKESE, A., 2002. An Approach To the Evaluation of Quality Performance of The Companies in Turkey, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol.17, No.1, pp.92-100.
  21. BESKESE, A. and CEBECI, U., 2001. Total Quality Management and ISO 9000 Applications in Turkey, The TQM Magazine, 1, 69-73.
  22. SÖNMEZTÜRK BOLATAN, G. İ., BEŞKESE, A., GÖZLÜ, S., 2017. Factors Affecting the Quality Performance of the Companies (In Turkish), İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 46(1), 76-83.


  1. İNCİ, G., BESKESE, A., ZAİM, S. 2018. Factors Affecting the Online Purchase Intention of Consumers in Turkey, TMT18, 21st International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 18-22 Eylül, Karlovy Vary, Çek Cumhuriyeti, 141-144.
  2. ELHAGGAN, S., BESKESE, A., ZAİM, S. 2018. The Impact of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction Mediated by Organizational Culture, TMT18, 21st International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 18-22 Eylül, Karlovy Vary, Çek Cumhuriyeti, 145-148.
  3. BESKESE, A., HAKTANIR, E., 2016. Influence Of Human Capital And Organizational Capital On The Organizational Innovation TMT16, 20th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 24 Eylül-1 Ekim, Mediterranean Sea Cruising, 261-264.
  4. YILDIZ, D., BOZBURA, F. T., BESKESE, A., 2015. A Model Proposal To Analyse The Effects Of Career Management On Organizational And Individual Level, TMT15, 19th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 22-23 Temmuz, Barselona, İspanya, 189-192.
  5. BÜYÜKBAY, S. E., BOZBURA, F. T., BESKESE, A., 2015. Setting The Stage For A New Construct For Determining Employee Well-Being, TMT15, 19th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 22-23 Temmuz, Barselona, İspanya, 193-196.
  6. BESKESE, A., BOZBURA, T., ALDEMİR, G., 2014. A model proposal to measure national intellectual capital, TMT14, 18th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 10-12 Eylül, Budapeşte, Macaristan, 193-196.
  7. ŞENEL, B., BEŞKESE, A., 2013. Yükseköğretim sisteminde etkin kalite ölçümü, International Conference on Quality in Higher Education (ICQH 2013), 12-14 Aralık, Sakarya, Türkiye, 1073-1085.
  8. BESKESE, A., EVECEN, C., 2012. Supplier Selection in Healthcare Industry, TMT12, 16th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 10-12 Eylül, Dubai, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, 243-246.
  9. BOZBURA, F.T., BEŞKESE, A., BAYRAKTAR, E. and İŞÇİ, S., 2011. Prioritization of Sustainable Supply Chain Measurement Indicators Using Fuzzy AHP, TMT11, 15th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 12-18 Eylül, Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti, 453-456.
  10. BEŞKESE, A., BOZBURA, F.T., ÇAVUŞOĞLU, N.G., 2011. A Fuzzy AHP Method to Prioritize Individual Attributes in a Performance Appraisal System, TMT11, 15th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 12-18 Eylül, Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti, 469-472.
  11. BEŞKESE, A., ŞAKRA, A., 2010. A model proposal for supplier selection in automotive industry, TMT10, 14th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 11-18 Eylül, Akdeniz, 809-812.
  12. EVECEN, C., BESKESE, A., 2009. A performance appraisal model proposal for blue collar employees in a university, TMT09, 13th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 16-21 Ekim, Hammamet, Tunus, 269-272.
  13. BOZBURA, F. T., BESKESE, A., ÖZGÜN, Ç., 2008. Modelling the Tour Planing of the Employees on the Critical Tasks by Genetic Algorithm, TMT08, 12th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 26-30 Ağustos, İstanbul, 381-384.
  14. BOZBURA, F. T., BESKESE, A., KAYA, T.S., 2008. TOPSIS Method on Player Selection in NBA, TMT08, 12th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 26-30 Ağustos, İstanbul, 401-404.
  15. BOZBURA, F. T., BESKESE, A., OZDEMIR, C., 2007. Workforce Planning with Genetic Algorithms in a University Department, TMT07, 11th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 5-9 Eylül 2007, Hammamet, Tunus, 1535-1538 in App.
  16. BESKESE, A., BOZBURA, F. T., AVLANMAZ, N., 2007. Determining the Priorities of the Criteria of EFQM’s Excellence Model to Best Fit the Turkish Context, TMT07, 11th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 5-9 Eylül 2007, Hammamet, Tunus, 1539-1542 in App.
  17. BESKESE, A., BOZBURA, F. T., YUCELER, M. B., BESKESE, M. B., 2006. Use of knowledge management in Turkish organizations, TMT06, 10th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 11-15 Eylül 2006, Barcelona-Lloret de Mar, 1561-1564 in App 2.
  18. BESKESE, A., BOZBURA, F. T., 2006. Prioritization of Relational Capital Measurement Indicators Using Fuzzy AHP, Applied Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the 7th International FLINS Conference. 29-31 August 2006, Genova, Italy, 395-400.
  19. BOZBURA, T., BESKESE, A., 2005. Prioritization of Organizational Capital Measurement Indicators Using Fuzzy AHP, IFSA 2005 World Congress. Fuzzy Logic, Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence Theories and Applications. 26-31 Temmuz 2005, Pekin, Çin, 1756-1760.
  20. BOZBURA, F. T., BESKESE, A., AKYÜZ, G., 2005. A genetic algorithm approach in Lot-Sizing Decision Problems, TMT05, 9th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 26-30 Eylül 2005, Antalya, 1495-1498.
  21. BOZBURA, F. T., BESKESE, A., ARGUNŞAH, H., 2005. A survey of knowledge management in Turkish organizations, TMT05, 9th International Research/Expert Conference on "Trends in the development of Machinery and associated Technology", 26-30 Eylül 2005, Antalya, 1499-1502.
  22. YAMAN, N., BEŞKESE, A., BEŞKESE, B., 2004. Technology Effects on Logistics Companies’ Competitiveness, Proceedings of International Logistics Congress 2004, 2-3 Aralık, İzmir, Türkiye, 706-715.
  23. BEŞKESE, B., BEŞKESE, A., 2003. Techniques for ERP Software Selection, Proceedings of International Logistics Congress 2003, June 30-July 01, Istanbul, Turkey, 144-148.
  24. CEBECİ, U., BEŞKESE, A., 2003. Supplier Evaluation and Relations in QS 9000 Certified Companies in Turkey, Proceedings of International Logistics Congress 2003, June 30-July 01, Istanbul, Turkey, 178-180.
  25. BESKESE, A., 2002. An excellence model of our own, New Trends for Business Excellence – International Seminar, October 10-11, Istanbul, Turkey, 92-95.
  26. BESKESE, A., KAHRAMAN, C., RUAN, D., 2002. Flexibility quantification in computer integrated manufacturing systems based on fuzzy cash flow analysis, Proceedings of the 5th International FLINS Conference on Computational Intelligent Systems for Applied Research, September 16-18, Gent, Belgium, 171-178.
  27. BESKESE, A., KAHRAMAN, C., and IRANI, Z., 2002. Quantification of Flexibility in Advanced Manufacturing Systems Using Fuzzy Present Worth Analysis, CD Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management, April 3-5, University of Salford (UK).
  28. IRANI Z., BESKESE A., and LOVE P.E.D., 2000. TQM as a Strategy for Developing a Corporate Culture: A Case Experience, 5th International Conference on ISO 9000 and Total Quality Management (5th ICIT), 25-27 Nisan, Singapur, 238-241.
  29. CEBECİ, U., BESKESE, A., 1998. An Approach Using Fuzzy Sets to the Evaluation of Quality Performance of the Companies in Turkey, The Second Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS 98), Proceedings 1033-1043, 6-7 Ağustos, Sakarya, Türkiye.
  30. BESKESE, A., CEBECİ, U., 1998. An Investigation of the Implementation of ISO 9000 and TQM and Their Relationships in Turkey, 3rd International Conference on ISO 9000 and Total Quality Management (3rd ICIT), Proceedings 1-6, 14-16 Nisan, Hong Kong.


  1. KAHRAMAN, C., BEŞKESE, A., BOZBURA, T., 2006. Fuzzy Regression Approaches and Applications, in Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #201: Fuzzy Applications in Industrial Engineering, Springer, Berlin, Ed: Kahraman, C., pp.589-615.
  2. BEŞKESE, A., 2007. İşletmelerde Sürekli İyileştirme Süreci: Kaizen, Üretim ve Hizmet Süreçlerinin Yönetimi, Çağlayan Kitabevi, Ed: Erkan Bayraktar, İstanbul, sh:77-90.
  3. BEŞKESE, B., BEŞKESE, A., 1997. “İ.T.Ü. Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümü Lisans Eğitiminin İrdelenmesi”, Prof. Dr. Coşkun Külür’e 65. Yaş Günü Armağan Kitabı, İrfan Yayınevi, Ed:  M.B. Durmuşoğlu, A. Beşkese, B. Beşkese, Y.İ. Topçu, İstanbul, sh:28-34.